yea that is pretty low of someone to try and do that. he will get whats comming to him dont worry cool! since we are on the modding subject cool, i brought up a suggestion in an earlier thread, about a "shouldering your weapon" mod.i got a descent response mostly positve on this idea. my main problem is i wouldnt know where to start.if this sounds like something you would like to take on, that would be great, but by the sounds of it it sounds like you got alot on your plate already.....

if you want to send me an email and discuss it a little more, my email is
btw i do have pakscape, and paint shop pro 7.02
what i have in mind, is giving the weapons, like the rifles and the machine guns a secondary view,like the sniper rifle.(without the zoom of course)and bringing the view of the weapon up and in, like you are "looking down the sites"if anyone has the latest pc gamer mag, look at the spread for medal of honor. there is a screen shot of omaha beach, and the weapon is in the "shouldered"position i think it is a thompson.which leaves me to belive that it was in the game at one time, but was left out of the final realease....i think this is what the game needs on the realism end of tired of running around "shooting from the hip" so to speak.a simple right mouse click to bring the weapon up would make this game rock.when the weapon is not shouldered, there would be no if you fired, you would be truely shooting from the hip........just a thought