Originally Posted by Fireal
One day i was in at the park...I SAW A BIRD! It WAS SUNNY!
That’s ok…but I would change it to be: I SAW A BIRD!...It WAS SUNNY…but I soon realized
that the bird was not alone, and they were not birds, they were Ju87s.
The parks illusion of sanctuary exploded around me as the stukas performed their deadly diving
runs to evil perfection, the combination of the Nazis new weapons and my gamers new graphics
card were making life hell for me and the guys, it was like, no matter where we re-spawned,
we were being owned large style.
I ran around in circles for a while there, I was 10%, maybe 15% health at best. My gamer hit
the “Z” key and I crawled onward over the next dune, where I saw a Nazi encampment.
There was a Tiger tank guarding the main bunker and I kissed my crucifix in thanks for
choosing anti-tank weapons last time I got killed.
I unleashed my ‘zook and we were fucking up those Nazi cock-suckers something fierce
when a shadow engulfed us….” bombers!” was my first thought, but I soon realised it was
our gutless gamer again…exiting the friggen level....
for a porn site or to have dinner or some such shit.
Fucken typical. We try to relax, I tell the boys cigarettes and enemy are the same
…smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. They laugh as they catch the cans of beer I throw at them,
the beer is warm but no-one complains …I laugh too.
I laugh, and when I can, I cry…I’ve fought these same maps over and over again…
I’ve done my best and given my all. But now, my gamer,
..I’m begging you, take me off the line….uninstall me or I’ll turn TK.