Originally Posted by Rannoch
Goddamn, I'm only 17, and I've still played older games then most of you oOo:
Pong on a freaking Atari.
Supermario on Nintendo. DUCKHUNT, with the gun!
Alphaman. Damn, its such a fun game. Looking for elvis, and getting killed by a rosebush.
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego. When you're like.. 8, that game rules.
The list goes on and on, but those games rule.
Originally Posted by KTOG
Name some PC games you used to play that in your own rightful opinion were ownage...
Since when did Atari and Nintendo turn into PC's, retard?
I got my Nintendo when i was friggin 6 years old, thats 13 years ago.
Ive played it all, i had something like 30-35 games for it.
But as KTOG said, PC games are the topic here..