I dont now how to do it in milkshape but... import the colt .skd and .skc line up the silencer and attach it to the colt 45 bone I think. and just export it.. but I think it exports as an skb so you have to go to the tik and at the to it says:
scale 0.52 // Set default scale to 16/30.5 since world is in 16 units per foot and model is in cm's
path models/weapons/colt45
skelmodel colt45.skd
Change it to:
scale 0.52 // Set default scale to 16/30.5 since world is in 16 units per foot and model is in cm's
path models/weapons/colt45
skelmodel colt45.skb
i think the problem is actualy milkshape it will only alow export of mohaa models and u can only ahve 1 bone but the weapons have 2 maybe more
and i am not paying again for another program ie lightray
1.import colt45.skd in milkshape.......
2.now,merge your silencer.(must be skined)a black metal texture loaded into materials will do.
3.position supressor on to the end of barrel.
4.go to the joints tab.
5.select a bone that doesnt have a tag on it.
6.hit select assigned.
7.try them all until you find the bone that the handle is assigned to.NOT THE CLIP,THE HANDLE.
8.now deselect all,and select your silencer in groups tab.
9.now go back to joints and with the joint with the handle assigned assign the supressor.
10.export as skl
11.run skl-skx.exe.....
12.pk3 done