The game looks nice, apart from the plot or story which is kinda oOo: But if you see the video you'll probably like it. There seems to be some kind of slow motion thing and you can do kick attacks. And the characters say things like Motherfucker and shit. biggrin:
Looks good, but I'm sick of these run and gun games where i'm the only guy there and I have to kill 1 million people/monsters and I don't get hurt at all. Thats just me though. If they did a Rainbow 6:3 type realism with a whole team I think games like this would be a hell of a lot better.
No way. SP squad-based games drive me nuts. The AI is still not smart enough. I'd much rather it be me alone vs all.
F.E.A.R. looks like a cool game. In the videos it looks like the guy playing was immortal... he was taking way too much fire not to buy the farm, unless the enemy were absolutely terrible shots.
It was probably god mode or something. i liked the part when he goes in the elevator and that thing appears in the corner, i was like "oh shit" and the character is like "ohhhh boy.." biggrin: And that part where the little girl ghost thing somehow kills the 3 soldiers ed: