I understand hosting is not free but DAMN! One popup ever 70+ page views my ass. Every fucking post you click POP UP! go back a page POP UP! Post a message POP UP! Look at it this way. Keep making the forums and the site a nuisance for all the users and the bandwidth will get real cheap. You won't need any!
Quit crying and just die already!
popup stoppers typically stop popups. there are links to a few in the off topic forum. go try them. you don't have to be on a bill paying committee to know a site like this is expensive.
Nevermind. BS says they will stop after a while and they seem to have done it. Everyone can continue the thread to explain to me how ISP billing works. I Manage one so it should be informative.
So what's your point? Nobody's giving you advice on hosting, you're bitching about the popups, and apparently you haven't noticed that they're there to help BS fund this adventure of his. Apparently you have some kind of problem with this? Are you saying that it's cheap or what?
And I don't think anybody really gives a rat's ass where you work. Doesn't mean you do it well. Sounds like name dropping to me!!!
Uh, ok, it's name dropping? Point is how much hosting bills are has nothing to do with popups being a pain in the ass. Popups could pay BS $50 billion a year and he could give us all a $5 million cut and they would still be a pain in the ass. I just get annoyed that you can post something and morons come out of the woodwork to explain something to you that you had no questions about. Then, after you tell them that BS said it would slow down after a while and you post back saying your question was answered people STILL proceed to explain to you their tangent subject. The posts explaining the popup blockers and where you can get them were answers to my question. Everything else is for the offtopic forum.
No matter, this will get me 20 more posts. My question was answered by BS, topic closed.
Quit crying and just die already!