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Captain Bunny is Offline
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Default 02-21-2002, 07:19 AM

What if a mod was made for mortars. they are used against infantry and take more skill to aim than panzershreks.
i havnt seen mass usages of panzers or shotguns. i dont have a problem with whatever weapon anyone uses.
ive only played like 3 online games, and i like going the germans as they have alot of defending rather than attacking. my only complaint ive had is people whining about peoples tactics.
since i defend alot, a bunch of the german team where hanging around the objectives defending them, while 1 was running about complaining that he was doing all the work. now fair enough, it was a no-respawn game, and he scored the most. but why run around when you can let the enemy come to you? in saving private ryan did they defend the bridge or did they charge forward. hmmm tough one.
when the fat man has the tv remote does he get up and walk to the tv to change channel??

I can't help about the shape I'm in, I can't sing I ain't pretty and my legs are thin. But don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to.
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Ydiss is Offline
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Default 02-21-2002, 07:37 AM

Well, I agree partly with Cerebral... I play the game without any realism mods and I enjoy it just fine.

Man, is this a truly over-discussed topic, or what?

This is a game, skewed on realism but more on gameplay. It isn't supposed to be ultra realistic and it isn't ultra realistic.

Thank bloody God.

Those who wish to play realism, play it. Those who don't, don't.

Those who cannot hack being beaten by shotguns and rockets and grenades and snipers can complain all they like.

It's truly amazing. When was the last time you saw someone ask politely for a team to reduce the amount of rockets and shotguns or snipers that they have?

When was the last time you saw someone ask politely for someone to stop grenade spamming on the hunt?

Very rarely.

It is so very very sad that someone judges someone else just because they use a particular weapon in a particular way in a game.

Think back to when you first ever played a game online, or first ever played a game at all.

You were crap, too.

It's ok to state your opinions about your hatred of weapons in a game, but to judge the people who use them is so narrow-minded it beggars belief.

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Malphal is Offline
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Default 02-21-2002, 07:39 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StosstruppenKompanie:
Hell, is this another Half Life game, or a WWII game? I'm just sick and tired of shotgunners and bazookers, this is somehow ruining the WWII feel, don't ya think?

Get a M1 Garand already, or a KAR 98k, or.. whatever...It seems only the sniper types complain about bazookas...... Well, it is all part of the misery of war. Grenades, shotguns, punk snipers, and people who just can't accept getting shot back.


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SS-Oberstgruppenführer is Offline
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Default 02-21-2002, 07:48 AM

I dont mind when people use bazookas or shotguns at all..generally it doesn't give them an advantage with my playing style. I have a very "in your face" style, and by the time you realize I'm on you, it's already too late. In the case with bazooka dudes, I'm so close that if they kill me with the bazooka, they kill themself so the kill really doesn't "count."

If you're good enough, you shouldn't bitch about shottys or bazookas.

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Snake2222 is Offline
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Default 02-21-2002, 07:49 AM

I ask all the time for people to please change weapons since there are already 10 snipers on their team...I am met with STFU. Yah it really works let me tell you.
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Malphal is Offline
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Default 02-21-2002, 07:54 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StosstruppenKompanie:
Nonsense to you, Cerebral Killerl did you ever think to go to battle in a war with yar 8-gauge rifle?
I wanted to see if are more people disgusted by some lame folks(not all of them, anyway) that somehow spoil the feeling of the game.
I reckon that single is much more fun than MP sometimes, 'cuz germans don't try to hit you with a panzer schreck , or worse try to jam the shotgun up ur mouth.
Just play "Stalingrad" with more than 8 people and see if you like to get blown away in those buildings.
"Gee, there's a weapon firing at the 2nd story! Why don't i get lame and fire up a bazooka round in there! yeah!!!"
[fssssssss....... boom!!!]
result: two fellas battling in a fair play on on one with garand, mauser, mp-40, BAR or whatever get blown away by a fegging chicken too lame to get there and look them in the eyes before pressing the trigger.
I have nothing against the weapons, as long as the bazooka/panzer schreck get their personnel damage diminuished and the shotgun a bigger spread radius.
Now what do you say about that?

<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>The British tried to "play fair" in the Revolutionary war. Look what it got them. If you don't think it is fair then upgrade your weapon. There is nothing fair about war. The idea is to take all chance away from the other guy. You know, like you chicken-snipers do from several blocks away. Everybody knows why you do that. It is so the victim doesn't see you until it is too late. Is that fair? Are you looking each other in the face then.......when you fire.......aiming through your scope? Get real (Not the mod) I mean real. War is kill the other guy and live long enough to go home. Even if it means mines, grenades, shotguns, snipers from treetops, or rockets. Big deal. If I can work my way down a street 4 oor 5 times and finally locate a sniper and kill him......then cool. I don't whine about all that. I use many weapons. I don't rule out rockets. No chance. I bet I got you in that bombed out town. All I saw was your smoke when you shot at someone else. You hadn't seen me. I happened to have a bazooka. Boom.............Argh! No more sniper. Did you know that at Dearlodge Prison, Montana there was a hostage situation. The Warden was held by at least two prisoners in a tower. They tried to nogotiate but ended it by firing a bazooka into the tower window. Everyone died, including the Warden. True story. Was that fair? Fair is for the Disney Channel.

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Default 02-21-2002, 08:04 AM

In which case, Snake, you have every right to call them what you want.

Granted, asking politely won't get you far 90% of the time, but I said that to make my point that judging people before you know them just because they use a gun in a game that you don't like is narrow-minded.

Just as narrow-minded as those who reply 'STFU' when asked to do something politely.

If you asked me to stop using the SMG, I'd reply: 'Sorry, I prefer to use it... what weapon would you prefer I use?'.

Pity this isn't reflected in the majority of the public community.

I'm not completely innocent... I have said things like 'beach-camping lamer' or similar before, but only 'cos they aren't playing to the objective.

I do try not to, tho and I always try to ask them to help the team and play to the objective before I start any abuse.

For the most part tho I just shut up and let them get on with it. 'Camping lamers' rarely win any battles consistently.

Nor do teams who all use one type of weapon.
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StosstruppenKompanie is Offline
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Default 02-21-2002, 08:05 AM

So this is a solution: DON'T BITCH ABOUT SHOOTIES OR ROCKETEERS IF YOU'RE NOT GOOD AT THE GAME. Ok, maybe i am not that good at the game, but how can someone judge someone else even if not knowing his/her playing style

I wonder how many did think about MoH:AA like it would have been one of the most playable and a very tactical MP game.

I wonder about the percentage of the same people that were discouraged by the amount of "unrealistic" and over-the-board weapon usage, that turned what could have been "Saving-Private-Ryan-With-My-Friends" into another arcade-3d-shhot-'em-up, like Quake, Unreal ,etc.

I feel that bazookas and shotguns in the way they are modeled now are ruining something that would have been better....

That's he point of this thread: i feel(like any others, as proven) that i would have enjoyed more the game if the bazooka and te shotgun would have been restricted/modified somehow.

It's like.... anyone can play with a rocket launcher or shotgun.... it's much harder to play the Mauser for example....


Angrif! Angrif!
Achtung! Scharfschutzer!
Zu decken! Angrif!...
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Snake2222 is Offline
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Default 02-21-2002, 08:12 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS-Oberstgruppenführer:
I dont mind when people use bazookas or shotguns at all..generally it doesn't give them an advantage with my playing style. I have a very "in your face" style, and by the time you realize I'm on you, it's already too late. In the case with bazooka dudes, I'm so close that if they kill me with the bazooka, they kill themself so the kill really doesn't "count."

If you're good enough, you shouldn't bitch about shottys or bazookas.


You are a idiot...enough said, that last line proves it. I dont have a problem taking these guys out....the problem is I dont want to have to kill 350 dudes useing the F***ing rocket launcher and shotgun over and over and over. You know how intense it would be to have a group of 6 people going up against another 6, one is waiting in ambush to attack the other as the pass downt the street....waiting....waiting....FIRE. While other guys on the server are holding off the other teams troop advancement.

[This message has been edited by Snake2222 (edited February 21, 2002).]
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poseyj is Offline
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Default 02-21-2002, 08:14 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Malphal:
[quote:fa465]Originally posted by StosstruppenKompanie:
Nonsense to you, Cerebral Killerl did you ever think to go to battle in a war with yar 8-gauge rifle?
I wanted to see if are more people disgusted by some lame folks(not all of them, anyway) that somehow spoil the feeling of the game.
I reckon that single is much more fun than MP sometimes, 'cuz germans don't try to hit you with a panzer schreck , or worse try to jam the shotgun up ur mouth.
Just play "Stalingrad" with more than 8 people and see if you like to get blown away in those buildings.
"Gee, there's a weapon firing at the 2nd story! Why don't i get lame and fire up a bazooka round in there! yeah!!!"
[fssssssss....... boom!!!]
result: two fellas battling in a fair play on on one with garand, mauser, mp-40, BAR or whatever get blown away by a fegging chicken too lame to get there and look them in the eyes before pressing the trigger.
I have nothing against the weapons, as long as the bazooka/panzer schreck get their personnel damage diminuished and the shotgun a bigger spread radius.
Now what do you say about that?

<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>The British tried to "play fair" in the Revolutionary war. Look what it got them. If you don't think it is fair then upgrade your weapon. There is nothing fair about war. The idea is to take all chance away from the other guy. You know, like you chicken-snipers do from several blocks away. Everybody knows why you do that. It is so the victim doesn't see you until it is too late. Is that fair? Are you looking each other in the face then.......when you fire.......aiming through your scope? Get real (Not the mod) I mean real. War is kill the other guy and live long enough to go home. Even if it means mines, grenades, shotguns, snipers from treetops, or rockets. Big deal. If I can work my way down a street 4 oor 5 times and finally locate a sniper and kill him......then cool. I don't whine about all that. I use many weapons. I don't rule out rockets. No chance. I bet I got you in that bombed out town. All I saw was your smoke when you shot at someone else. You hadn't seen me. I happened to have a bazooka. Boom.............Argh! No more sniper. Did you know that at Dearlodge Prison, Montana there was a hostage situation. The Warden was held by at least two prisoners in a tower. They tried to nogotiate but ended it by firing a bazooka into the tower window. Everyone died, including the Warden. True story. Was that fair? Fair is for the Disney Channel.


well when more cheats come out, i dont want to hear you whining about it, cause remember games don't have to be fair.
adapt to it motherfucker.

do you know what good balanced gameplay is?
you need it to do competition like in quake, that is the funnest shit around, when your playing some good competition. this wouldn't be an issue, if 2015 had limited the guns to begin with, but whatever state the game is you morons will accept. shallow very shallow.
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Ydiss is Offline
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Default 02-21-2002, 08:15 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>It's like.... anyone can play with a rocket launcher or shotgun.... it's much harder to play the Mauser for example.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Agreed, but if someone wants the challenge of learning how to use the mauser effectively then that is their choice.

If they use the shotgun or sniper rifle that is also their choice.

If you prefer to play realism mods because you enjoy it more, this is also your choice.

It's your choice to raise your concern about the game as it is too.

You've done it in an even mannered way, which is more than can be said for some people.

Thing is, MoH was never intended to be realism over arcade play.

It's more like a Quake/Half-Life game with WWII dressings.

Mods are and will give you the option to move away from this.

But you will have to respect the fact that some people like the game just as it is. They have just as much right to use the shotgun as you do the mauser.

If they beat you all the time it doesn't mean you are better just because you use a harder weapon though.

You might be better, but then again so might they.

Just try to enjoy the game as best you can for the time being.. Clan matches and tourneys will be more fun for those who prefer to use tactics and balanced gameplay.

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StosstruppenKompanie is Offline
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Default 02-21-2002, 08:19 AM

You're right man, i agree 100%.... hell, this will probably make me play better against those people that prefer quake-like action...

... and yet it's sad....

Angrif! Angrif!
Achtung! Scharfschutzer!
Zu decken! Angrif!...
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StosstruppenKompanie is Offline
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Default 02-21-2002, 08:19 AM

You're right man, i agree 100%.... hell, this will probably make me play better against those people that prefer quake-like action...

... and yet it's sad....

Angrif! Angrif!
Achtung! Scharfschutzer!
Zu decken! Angrif!...
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Default 02-21-2002, 08:38 AM

Well DoD v2.0 Is pretty realistic, sometimes. FF is a great way to play with skilled players. I myself like to camp alone, I dont want some pansy with an MG to take my spot. At first I warn, then I bitch, then I kill. I agree, sniper, only one, mg, only one, bazook, only one, if at all. If you want some more realism, go play paintball like I do when games piss me off =D.
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Default 02-21-2002, 08:52 AM

LOL. You kids are fun, I'll give you that.

First and foremost, it's a game. It is meant to be realistic to A POINT! When I see folks running on these boards talking about - "This is so uneven - this takes no skill - blah blah blah blah" Have you ever been in a fight with a SHOTGUN, or a ZOOK? Do you have this real world experience to make this definite accusation? No. Oh ok.

Then you have the folks saying "only n00bs (why they spell it like that I'll never know) use (insert weapon here)". How rational a line is that? First it was ZOOKS, then SNIPES, then NADES - now shotguns. COME THE HELL ON NOW!!!

Are we building a generation of whiners? The machine gun on the "realism" servers - are perhaps the cheapest weapons out there. One shot kills huh? Better accuracy than the sniper rifles. And no ZOOKS.

For everyone that says SHOTGUNS have no skill, I'd like you to grab your machine guns, and get as many close-range kills as one would with the shot-gun...then I'll take your word for it.

Until then...

mazel tov
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