I have difficulties with town's "roof snipers" in the mission near Brest, Brittany.
In fact they are easy to kill but VERY DIFFICULT to see, and THAT IS THE PROBLEM.
Have a good tactic or strategy for that ?
Thanks for help.
If you change your position and get shot, try to think of where this shot could come from. Only move in little steps, only in one direction. Make good use of the F5 key...
No, they just let Kisses pass cuz shes got big tits.
Anyways, what you should do is duck in & out from objects. They have, just like MP, 5 shots until they reload. Once they pop off 5, look around with your scope & see if you can find the bastards.
Also, don't forget your compass. If you get hit, follow the red radar to show you which direction the shot came from.
Just abuse the ingame save feature. Everytime you kill another one save, that way, if you die looking for the next one, you can just load up the old game.