I know that websites need to be funded by advertising, but there are better ways to advertise sponsors than the annoying pop-ups. What was so wrong with incorporating the ad in the pages themselves like the good 'ol days?
This is what's wrong with the internet. Too much overly aggressive advertising. I seriously don't belive that annoying people with pop-up ads is going to make them buy a sponsor's product.
Be sure to tell your sponsor, because if they mandated that you post their ads this way, then they are clueless as to how to generate revenue based on internet advertising. Better yet, find another sponsor.
I was looking more for a way to stop it at its source instead of having to download a workaround all the time. Forget paying $20 for anti-popup software just so that I won't have them when I browse the internet. The webmasters can remove popups by a simple code change, and it doesn't cost a thing.
What's so difficult about embedding the ads into the web page like webmasters USED to do?
I'd expect all the popups while surfing for porn, but getting all kinds of them wile visitng a harmless gaming site makes me wonder if the same people who run the porn sites are actually the same ones who run this one too.
[This message has been edited by Stony (edited February 21, 2002).]
Go to the link Mosquito posted and see for yourself. Maybe you forgot that you paid for it, or maybe you used Morpheus to download yourself a hacked copy.
[This message has been edited by Stony (edited February 21, 2002).]
There is a free version of the pop-up stopper that Stony posted a link to, just scroll down a bit. I just downloaded it and so far not one pop-up, very nice. Very nice, indeed. Thanks Stony