Originally Posted by strvs
-Bush was not elected to office, but appointed by the supreme court.
It was all according to the constitution, and the Miami such and such did their own recount, using the most liberal counting of votes, and bush still won florida.
-Kids under the country's legal drinking age are dying for his "cause" everyday.
WTF?? I'd love to hear you explain that one. What "cause" would that be. Please enlighten me.
[quote:7201f]-George W. Bush’s environmental policy.....pushes for domestic oil exploration in protected areas.[/quote:7201f]
If that exploration can be done in a environmentally friendly manner, which I believe it can, then it would provide lower prices at the pump, and isn't that something that everyone can agree would be a good thing. Unlike Kerry voting for an extra 50 cent per gallon tax on gas.
[EDIT] I decided I didn't want that pic in my post, fucken gross.
That's just wrong man. Wrong... annoy: annoy: