you do know they have made a few pc consoles recently that play pc games kinda like plug in play type hardware works on a computer. you put the game in the console, it installs itself, and then sets itself up to the console's settings, and then plays. The games also update themselves and patch themselves everytime u play them. its pretty cool although kinda expensive.
I'd prefer originality in games that come on console than the redundant tiresome FPS games that flood the PC.
Such as repetative snorefests like final fantasy 1 to final fantasy part 33 entitled :yup we're milking the fuck outta this. oOo: eek:
final Fantasy VI > anything on PC ever made.
Which would of course explain why fps are a shitload more popular than snore p g's right? yup thought so, oOo:
I think FFX had what...2.1 million pre orders in Japan alone? I think more people own FF7 than almost all PC games, especially the FPS games. You live ont he computer so you don't realize how many people play RPGS and they are more popular.