I'm so bored I'm gonna make a list from the top of my head....
Clay Pigeons
Very Bad Things
Old School
Boiler Room
Office Space
Money Talks
Waiting For Guffman
This Is Spinal Tap
Dazed & Confused
anyone ever see "the grey zone" ? it makes shcindlers list look like a kids movie.
anyways, equilibrium had cool action scenes....but the ending was so fucking gay (an old fatass fighting ninja style...ya ok rolleyes: not to mention he fucks everyone up with the samuri sword way to early.)
that being said...
my top movies are probably (in no particular order)
apocolypse now (you had to have read "heart of darkness" to really apreciate it"
full metal jacket
saving private ryan (ya i know but i just love this movie)
grey zone
blackhawk down
The Meaning of Life
Yellow Submarine
Hard day's night
Cool Hand Luke
Animal House
History of the world part 1
Blazing saddles
Fast Times at Richmont high
salton sea
one flew over the cuckoo's nest
from hell
fear and loathing in las vegas
apocolypse now
ghostbusters I
lost boys
the thing
shawshank redemption
bourne identity
resident evil
american pyscho
the goonies
dogtown & z boys
fight club