I have: Gf3 Ti 200, 1133Mhz Athlon, 512 ram and 512kb aDSL. (good enough for single player game) but when I connect to mp my fps drops to 20-30 average (very difficult to play, with low or high retail) what the hell should I do ? vsync is off and so on.
that should be more than enough for the game to run fine. I only have a P4 1.4, 256 RAM, and GF2 Ti, and I get 70fps in MP. I dont know what the problem could be other than online lag.
Forgive me Father, for I will sin.
Taht aint braggin....this is.
Athlon 1.4@1.6ghz
Abit KT7A Raid Mobo
Twin Seagate 80gb hdd's
Asus V8200 GF3 @ 230clock & 525 Ram
764Mb Crucial Cas 2 pc133 @ 143mhz
S/Blaster 5.1
Klipsch spkrs
Cd/rw -DVD
21" Sony monitor
"Man i love my rig".
"Hand built by the gods"
Yeah anyways... don't brag unless your system is actually GOOD. Those are all average systems from where I'm sitting, but I won't bore you with my specs because I know no one cares. Sorry, but a good shot of reality does a body good.
Try turning your resolution down or your settings to medium. That should make it better.
It could be your shitty sound card...when i use to play counter-strike i ran "Software mode" on my sound..my ATI radeon 64 ddr(that's not braggin', that's feeling sorry for paying 200$ for it) would run about 25fps and then i changed my sound option to "EAX sound"(soundblaster) my fps jumped to 80fps. Just a idea. KT7A RAID PRIDE!!! lol.
I play with eveything down pretty low even though I have P4 and pretty good specs. Gotta love the 80 fps! Its soooo smooth! and peep the new sig ----->