ok people if you want, share some of the easter eggs you have found - what i mean are spots that are difficult to get too.
such as posted earlier like:
1. Hunt Level - jump at the back of the church somewhere to get on the roof of the church - (i haven't done this one yet)
2. Southern France level - go by window overlooking the large main courtyard where the two arches are. The window with a wire near the balcony. Jump on the balcony, stand up, then jump on the wire, and you can go on a roof or sit on the wire. I think you can also sit on a tree.
3. Southern France level - There is another roof i saw someone on it but i don't know how to get up there.
4. Destroyed village level - There is a way to get partially under the ground - i don't know if its an easter egg or a glitch but you can, i might post a screenshot later if you don't beleive.
I don't think any of these spots are that great or give any great advantage, they are mainly just for fun to keep from getting bored by trying to find new stuff now that i've been playing a while.
oh and i thought of a couple more small ones.
The Bridge - you can go in the water where the mines are and go past the stairs and go to trees and there is a little spot there that if you walk fast, a mine will make a noise but will not explode and you can hide there, but there is no action there so i never do it.
Omaha - on the eastern canon i think you can jump over a fence or walk around behind the back wall - not really a secret but there is another mine there i think that makes a noise but does not explode so i include this
[This message has been edited by lysis (edited February 24, 2002).]