Originally Posted by JBird
the mlb all star game has become a pitiful ratings grabber and corporate event. 70 percent of the players this year did not deserve to be there. its absolute joke. five indians made it? i mean COME ON, five? ok, cliff lee and victor martinez yes, but belliard, westbrook, lawton? they are in 4th place in the al central. as for my first place whitesox? our lone representative was loaiza who isnt even our best pitcher (buerhle). um hello, paul konerko? remember him? 23 hrs and 60 rbi? not an allstar? oh yeah, sorry, you had to make room for hideki matsui who has 16 and 40 ....fucking joke. the white sox have had one of the best offenses in the entire league and we dont even get an offensive allstar. horseshit.
the problem being that the fans vote who makes it to the all-star game
and i agree the all-star teams were total horse shit, how many players did the yankees have? 8 or so? torre is bs