Captain Caveman, lol... Nice irony.. if you're serious tho, you're a hypocrite
CronicBrownie... No one said it was impossible to kill someone at the same time they kill you. If you say you've read the first two pages of the thread, I suggest you re-read them.
Spiewalk, I wasn't the first person to point out the error in your pic (in fact I said
'Nice kill, Spiewalk. Always nice to get a nice big fat multi-frag.' on my first post), but once it was pointed out it is fairly clear that you're lying.
That's all I'm pointing out. You're lying. Why you are, I don't know. You're right it's nothing to show off about, but you're confusing us.
So, to put it
v e r y simply for those who are having trouble understanding...
You can kill 5 people and not have every kill on the top of the screen. This is because in between your kills registering with the server someone else got a kill or two.
Completely possible. No one disputed that.
Still with me?
Ok, good.
Second point...
I did not say you couldn't kill someone who in turn killed you at the same time. In fact this doesn't even happen in Spiewalk's picture!
If you feel you'd like to re-read the last two points for complete clarity, then please do so now.
Point three...
Now focus, it gets complicated here.
If Spiewalk had gotten a 5 kill and his 5 kills had been segregated (that means split up, by the way) by someone elses' kill then that would be fine.
That is possible (as I have just said).
What isn't possible is this: The person
who was killed in between Spiewalk's 5 kill was Rainman. He was killed by SenorSexy with the machine gun.
Still with me?
2 lines down we see Rainman dying to Spiewalk's rocket.
So, you're telling me that Spiewalk launched a rocket that killed Rainman whilst at
exactly the same time SenorSexy was killing Rainman with his machine-gun?
There is at least a 2 second pause between respawns.
only way this is possible is if Rainman and Lonewolf both have clones playing at the same time. Or (as I suspect is the truth) Spiewalk launched 2 rockets, one killing 2 players, the second killing 3. In between this time SenorSexy managed to kill Rainman.
You don't have to be a geek to realise that. In fact, I would possibly raise the point that anyone who lies on a discussion board about a game is much more likely to be the one who needs to get a life. Especially one who resorts to name-calling because he's been made to look stupid.
Spiewalk (and chums)... I have a highly successful life and I have no worries about how I conduct myself.
I just don't like lying. I think you should stop digging that hole you've gotten yourself into.
That includes stopping the name-calling. You're embarrasing yourself.
Sorry for the harsh sarcasm in this post, but it's always the same with forums; No one reads what they see, they always read what they want to see.
I get fed up with going over the same points over and over again because someone can't (or in Spiewalk's case, refuse to) read what I say properly.