07-17-2004, 04:47 PM
All you do is put your custom sound let's say it's for the colt firing sound. Go into pak3.pk3/Sound/Weapons/fire/ and see what the name of the file is. It's Colt45Fire1.wav, this is what you have to name your custom sound. make a folder on your desktop and name it "Sound" then inside "Sound" make a folder named "Weapons" and in "Weapons" make a folder named "Fire" and inside "Fire" put the custom .wav file for the colt. Then pack the folder on your desktop (Sound), into a .pk3 file and just name it "User-customcolt.pk3". Put it in your mohaa/main folder and viola.. custom sound. You can do this with all of the sounds in the "Sound" folder in pak3.pk3. Good luck.