Ok, for some reason on filefront, it won't let me dl files...
I click on download then it asks me to choose a server, i click on one and nothing happens...I've click on all of them and nothing happens. I've tried registering and when I'm logged in still nothing happens. Geez...why does all this stuff happen to me??? eek:
Don't feel bad it has happened to me also. I emailed them and they said that it was the serers acting up...I thought to myself BS but can't say for sure. I also use mozilla and that might be my problem because it opens any .rar, tar, and zip file in the browser.
Really? I run FireFox and I just tell it to open the zips with WinRAR. Snipes,is it possibly a pop up blocker your running.. Like I said I am running FireFox but it opens up the downloads fine.. You may have it blocked completly though... Cant think of anything other than that cause they have been working fine for me when I open them.. I guess you all problem is benifiting me though cause there isnt a wait on any servers but maybe 1 or 2 that has a 2 minute line.. biggrin: