Hi evey1 [zErO]Cool here! To everyone that enjoys my mods , I need a favor. This guy slay3r has released a mod calling it his own!'The modding theatre' has refused to do anything about it, so I'm starting a campain , I need as many people as possible to mail the site owner BzErK@mods.mohmatch.comFlipSide@mods.mohmatch.com
and tell him how bad copying cheats r! and basically just support me
------------------ "Listen up you stinking maggots. It seems you just don't get it. Well, I've been appointed to inform ya', your days are numbered. You would cry, you would scream if you knew half the things I've seen. Please please just do as I say. Repent and leave your evil ways." - Clutch VISIT GF CLAN SITE
Am already boycotting it, as in don't go there anywhere, but what the hell, I'll call him up and tell him "I will never come to your site again you wanker!!! ". K?
Thanks guys! you must understand how annoying it is to have someone do this! try and get more people in on it! 'Save [zErO]Cool' get as many people as you can! this little pri*k should not get away with this!! thanks for your support! spread the word!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Muttley: Iv'e played online with slay3r and the guy cheats with invisible and other cheats <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
LOL invisible?? Just because you could see him it doesn't mean he was invisible