<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Snake Eyes: Does anyone know if EA Games or any other outsiders plan on making an add-on or anything like that? Any projected dates?
Yes, Medal Of Honor: Team assault mae by 2015, and there's a player addon called "Red Orchestra that is being made. That's all I know.
Location: Germany, screaming profanities at the Krauts
02-26-2002, 07:05 AM
yay. will there be a campaign too? if so i hope its longer than mohaa's. it took me 3 1/2 hrs to beat that one.. sad. but the name teamplay makes it seem like multi but i like that too (i just like the cheats on sp ) cuz i still got 1.0 hehe
EA knows we want more MP maps and stuff, so you know they will want to dip into our wallets again by releasing some sort of add-on. You can bank on an add-on of some sort.
a quick battle mode would be nice for single player. where you could just go to a level of action or etc. without objectives. like a defensive level. maybe allowing you to be the germans on omaha in the bunker machine gun nests or something for single player. despite how some people would find that morally wrong it would be fun. there were no parts like that in mohaa where you could sit there with non playable characters on your side defending a position for very long. there were a few parts but they were short (M3L2 for example) and for the most part uneventful.
That would be sweet to see! I wouldn't mind playing as Axis, but to just jump into play in SP would be nice. Just in case there was no time to go online too.