He he, there was this warp cheat you know in MP demo? Well there was this sniper guy who liked to cheat, he used the warp cheat and always allies won.Well guess how i noticed this?I was a axis sniper in the good ol sniperhotel in The Hunt map.I killed alot ppl (5-6) and then I heard a Springfield sound.Then I looked beneath me and saw a sniper under the floor aimin my.. (errmm sensored

) and waited a sec me to figure out WTF was happenin and then he blasted my u-know-what to air, 0 health left.It really was punishing because i had blood mod.It really creeped me I think I screamed that thw neighbours got a heart attack

hehehe has some1 else THRÍLLING expierences about cheaters
I can't figure anything good on this section