Is it possible to use cheats for sp in version 1.1? And if so do I need to change the path like in 1.0? And, if I am able to use the cheats in 1.1 for SP, will I need to disable them or something for MP or will it do it automaticially?
*Note* Please don't accuse me of trying to cheat in MP or tell me to 'practice and beat it without cheats.' I already beat the game in Easy and Normal and I wanna be able to just run around and goof off a little.
Any help would be appreciated!
Ok is there a way I can give you a screenshot or something to prove I already beat it and just want the cheats for SP so I can goof off? I have no reason to want to cheat in MP, I have 56k I'm to laggy to kill people anyway.
Look, all I want to know is is there a way to cheat in only SP 1.1 without cheating in MP. All you would need to do is tell me the way, and I wouldn't even be able to cheat in MP. If there isn't a way...then forget I asked.
[This message has been edited by RSM Harper (edited February 28, 2002).]
For all this idiots here its not wrong to cheat in SP your only playing by yoursef. And to answer your question yes cheats are enabled in version 1.1 in SP only they are disabled in MP. Anyways if you want the cheats here they are:
To enable cheat mode, start the game with the following parameters:
Then, while in the single-player game, press "~" to bring up the console and type any of the codes listed below:
dog - God Mode
fullheal - Full Health
wuss - All Weapons & Ammo
noclip - No Clipping (Go Through Walls)
notarget - Show Game Version
fullheald - Heal player
listinventory - List of the player's inventory
tele x y z - Teleport to location
coord - Prints out current location and angles
health - set current health
kill - Kills the player
That should answer your question. Oh yeah cheats do suck in MP but who cares if you are in SP if you already beat it fare and square.