R U JOKING? If you stood still anywhere on Omaha beach, you died. never mind sitting and sniping. In WW2 on the Omaha beach landing, the bunkers werent very visible at all, theres no way ANYONE could have sat there and picked off all the machine-gunners otherwise it wouldnt be as historical as it is today. The MP level isnt half the size of the SP demo where you'll find its a bit more relistic.
Lo all. just registered to the forums and i am so HAPPYY!!!Anyway, i agree with zeroCOOL.The snipers ruin the fun.U see its really hilarious to shoot ppl with it (when I play in allies its not so fun then ) but anyway, it would be better if sniper guns wouldn't be available in the Omaha map.Gr8 mods u have done zeroCOOL btw
Gimme a sniper and i'll show you who's your daddy Noo just kiddin :P
I know snipers were very common, but how common were shotguns? Out of all the books, pictes, and movies I've seen involving WWII, the only time I ever saw a shotgun was in Thin Red Line. Were the more common in the pacific theatre? Anyone know any site that could give me some info about shotguns in WWII?
Hmm..Probably it were a "Spec Ops" gun the manual says it was designed to be a Police Riot weapon, not used in a full-scale war.So no pics from it in action would make sense.
I can't figure anything good on this section