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02-28-2002, 01:12 AM
I dont mind rockets/shotguns/snipers....what I do mind is when on a 18 person server 9 on each team that anywhere from 6-7 on one team will be one of those sucks.

02-28-2002, 01:22 AM
Rockets are fine, IMHO, when used in moderation... Like in an anti-sniper role, for example.
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02-28-2002, 01:22 AM
I hate Rockets and I hate The Beach Snipers ad the grenaders. I think having those weapons in those places is worse than cheating. Teamplay,there should be more of this but snake22 is right i'ts impossible.
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02-28-2002, 01:39 AM
I agree 100% with CNR Sturmer's post! Realism mod is great and the only reason I play this game. However non of the major servers use realism. And non-realism servers are nothing more than a grenade and sniper fest.
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02-28-2002, 02:20 AM
I can always find a realism server to play on, I dont know where you guys are looking
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02-28-2002, 02:25 AM
Sturmer, that is the way it is.Unfortunately.
It sucks, i know.But, what I can do for it?Go whine to 2015 that the Multiplayer sucks when meantime there are thousands of players shut up and playing?I get the feelin that the mass of thousands of dumb players are right and go playin and screamin: LAMER!CAMPER!
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02-28-2002, 05:40 AM
of course, not everyone will agree, but this is how I see it.
I got the game, loved the single play, enjoyed the multiplay until..... until i got sick and tired of a few things.
- too many grenades and rocketlaunchers..its almost like playing quake. almost no gunbattles.
- mohaa turns out to be an fps grinder. with a p3 600 384megs gf2 mx400 i am glad to get an fps ranging from 50 to 9(!) depending on the action intensity on my screen.
- no teamplay at all. everyone just runs around, like playing quake. all the teamwork we see in SPR and band of brothers is nice, but not applicable in this game unfortunately.
-ever changing respawn locations in team-match (which is really annoying. by the time you have circled around the enemies defenses, you find out that it is now your respawn point...grrrr)
- boring maps. afterbirths like stalingrad (what the hell is such a map doing in a game about the war on the western front) and other dramatic scenes, with omaha on top... this beautiful map is killed by letting the snipers rule the map and the mg42's rendered useless because of them... yikes.
of course there are good realism mods out there, but almost no servers play them, especially not the big servers.
Back to the realism games such as Ghost Recon, until good mods or patches have arrived.... sniff
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02-28-2002, 06:11 AM
Not meaning to whine but I just wasted 2 fricking hours just trying to find a decent TDM server.. All of them were either listen severs with the bandwidth overloaded as usual. Or even the dedicated ones with 28 players were running choppy.
I don't have this experience *all* the time but it seems to be more & more the norm. Not being an expert, I still think this game has some issues with the netcode. And the kiddies runnning listen servers with 32 players. Geez..
I usually never complain about much, rockets dont bother me unless someone is just being stupid with them. I don't like omaha much at all but I still play it when it comes up in rotation. Team play, yea these are public servers so don't expect much. I have seen some ppl playing as a team pretty decent on the fly.
But it just seems to me the companies that made this game aren't supporting the servers. There seems to be a obvious lack of dedicated servers on decent connections out there compared to other games I've played. I could always find a rtcw server with 32+ players with little lag, chopiness etc. Same with UT, Quake3, HL, Q2 ruled for years with tons of very playable servers. Might definately be trying rtcw real soon again after not playing it since this demo came out.
I am am online gaming person more than a SP gamer. So, yes in a way I'm getting a bit disillusioned with this game. Like I said, I just wasted two hours & got nothing but frustration. So now I will go play one of the SP games I love, Diablo II LOD..
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02-28-2002, 06:59 AM
My biggest frustration is the lacking of good players on servers. No matter what server I go on...I am faced with the same crap. I find myself rushing with a damn sniper rifle to make it interesting now as they are too predicatable and dumb otherwise. I also see on Team-match servers that people will just sit there and never move. Figure it out retards....if both sides never move regardless of the gun you have...we will both be looking at empty hall ways! Stupid people frustrate the crap out of me, I won't even play Omaha any more as it takes too much out of people to concieve the concept of an objective. We even took it out of the rotation on our server....the map is all eye candy and is poorly designed. I use to love playing CS on servers where I had to think about every step as one wrong move meant I was two ways about it. Now on these maps I can run around in the open with a pistol and all kinds of stupid shit knowing that my dumb moves will not be capitalized on.
I am getting more and more tired of this game. It has sooo much potential yet it is lacking a strong player base and support of the developers. They some how feel that they can throw us a bone with 4 maps....WHOOPP DE FUCKING DOOO!! Then one of the 4 maps is the God damn demo map...they really went all out there! So, then the online community has to scramble around and try and decode how to set up dedicated servers to support this game. HELLO!!! What kind of stupid company spends that much time to develop something then basicly give it a ho hum launch that is pathetic at best. Ohh...yeah and don't make a Linux supported thinking there people. I just loved trying to unwrap the mystery of the console command and the dedicated server...would it really have been so hard to give us some damn help? Look at games beening developed now...they are coming with a map editor and guys droped the ball something serious. This is where the sales are made think Counter Strike would have done all it's sales and popularity sitting on the shelf? No...WORD OF MOUTH!
Sure you got a great game...we will see if it survives the next 6 months with all the others coming out. You had your is something they should have learned "First Impressions are the MOST important...never lose that oportunity."
Man it amazes me the stupidity of some of these companies who release this stuff....who is running the damn show over there??? Where are these beta testers coming from?
"Listen up you stinking maggots. It seems you just don't get it. Well, I've been appointed to inform ya', your days are numbered. You would cry, you would scream if you knew half the things I've seen. Please please just do as I say. Repent and leave your evil ways." - Clutch
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02-28-2002, 07:27 AM
Spineharverster - you said what I am usually thinking when I'm feeling frustrated with this game (which is most of the time these days).
As a programmer, I would call the multiplayer "unpolished". Here's an example: if you type in "cmdlist" at the console, it gives you a list of available commands. Try running the first 20 or so. None of them work. If I recall from the Q3 source, these were defined in a header file. Why weren't they just edited / commented out? Legacy support? Well, let's talk about that.....
If you look at the byte sequence you have to put in front of rcon commands when sending to a Q3 server, you'll see 5 bytes that Q3 servers use. But not MoHAA. And no one in the forums could answer us when we asked what the new sequence was. I basically had to write a trainer to break into the I/O from serever to client to trap the bytes and see what the hell they were.
Examples of this type of crap go on and on. But I won't condemn it yet - we've brought the issues to the developer's attention. Let's see what they can do with it. That will tell us all we need to know about how we are going to be supported. I think MoHAA is a great game and, if we can just get some support, it will end up very well. If not, I'll just code and mod for some other game.
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02-28-2002, 07:28 AM
IMO, the answer to the question is [b]no/[b]...
i don't even play multiplayer (56k ugh) and yet i still keep coming back for more and more (and more of the same) in SP. So i don't see how a rushed multiplayer component will make the game go "under".
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02-28-2002, 07:30 AM
I agree, there need to be more maps, and the respawn needs fixin'. I was in a game where I would spawn next to an enemy everytime.
As for rockets and grenades, grenades aren't bad, but if you the host there is a 'norockets' mode you can get from this site. If your not the host, look for norockets in the server name. A lot of us hosts are disabling rockets in our games because they ruin gameplay.
All in all don't MOHAA will go down, because even with these probs, it's multiplayer is still great. I was playing Wolfenstein until this came out, I've never gone back since.
The great mods that people are putting out are really making the game even better.

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02-28-2002, 07:42 AM
Big problem here is the net code for MOHAA sucks ass. The Fighting 61st have two servers that can only run one game each. Now with these same servers you could run 8-10 Quake games....same engine different net code. What this means to a regular user is...MOHAA multi like a vampire sucks your resources BAD. Until or if 2015 decides to fis this...which they wont we are screwed.
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02-28-2002, 07:46 AM
Amazing SOF II is already having a contest to make the best skin.
And the mod is already in development...and it isn't even released yet.
How can these companies do these things...are they some sorta super human intellegent aliens or something??
"Listen up you stinking maggots. It seems you just don't get it. Well, I've been appointed to inform ya', your days are numbered. You would cry, you would scream if you knew half the things I've seen. Please please just do as I say. Repent and leave your evil ways." - Clutch
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02-28-2002, 07:54 AM
Jesus. I feel like an orphan.
"If your philosophy does not produce corn, I don't want to hear about it." - Red Bear
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