Me gots a P4 1.5 (soon to be 2.2)
256MB PC800 RDRAM (soon to be 512MB)
Hercules 3D Prophet III Geforce III card (Soon to be Visiontek Xtasy Geforce 4 6400)
and a 40GB 10000RPM SCSI HD
I'm using A voodoo 5 5500 agp , and i get to see the intro videos and all with a wickedGl driver uilt for quake 3 but , i get horrible framerates when all kinds of action is kickin round 10-25 at lowest and 35-48 when everything is calm , i just wondering what i can do or will their will be a new driver to run with voodoo 5's to uppen the framerate on mohaa.
p.s if you want to know how to integrate wickedGl to work with mohaa email me or reply.
i have a amd 1200 266mhz bus, 256mb sdram(dont laff-cant afford ddr at the mo)! , 64mb gf2 ti, 100ata 40gig hd. The game runs fine on ine in 1024x768 in 32 bit color and full graphics. Runs smooth at all times. But ass u seen in the last post i just wanna find out my actual fps!!
No new drivers from 3DFX (now nvidia) but. Per an article in the latest issue of Maximum PC, page 21
A reader writes that you can get 3rd party drivers for your 3DFX card at
I got a Amd Athlon 1.2 gig (getting the XP 1800 today) 512mb DDR PC2100 Ram, and a Radeon 64mb DDR Vid Card. Game runs smoothly with every graphic detail maxed.
ok cheers m8! dont want to b classed as a cheater cos thats just shite!!! my results werent bad. between 50-100fps in 1024x768 in 32bit with full detail!