It all depends on what you use your computer for. Despite what most will say, more older games will run with XP than on 2k. 2k is a network operating system. It is built to run business applications, and manage remote Win2k servers (assuming you load Win2k Professional.) Network Operating systems are not ideal for playing games. Yes, I know, Xp was built on the 2k kernel. But it was built to work more like a Workstation/PC OS than 2k was. XP has more support in the gaming area, but some games will not run. Rune for example. If you want to be able to play every game and still have stability most of the time, I would suggest you dual-boot XP and Win98.
To do this... ahh fuck it. Go to or another page along those lines. I'm sure they have instructions on how to do it. I can tell you this: you need to partition one hard drive and load both operating systems onto separate partitions. When the computer is starting up, you can choose between XP or 98 (or whatever you choose to install.. you can dual boot Win2k and 98, or XP and 2k, if you want). Remember that if you do this, you will need drivers for both operating systems, and will need to load them as such. Not so much for games, but start menu program groups, settings, and other things of that nature will have to be set in both systems.
Wow. I am way off-topic now. My advice? Go with XP. The newer games work with it, and you never have to restart, unless you installed it like a moron.