Thats not a bad idea. I never thought of actually being a Nazi on Omaha Beach back in the day. I bet the Germans were scared of running out of ammo for those MG42's when they saw all the troops coming.
I think they should make a WW2 movie based on a german squad, seriously, all this american shit is great but gets old. I think Steve speilberg should make a spr style movie based on the german perspective (filmed same way as spr). What I hate is people think all the germans were nazi's and had to be killed, but alot of em fought because they'd be killed if they didn't, It would be pretty intresting, anyone eles think that?
There is a movie from a german perspective....shit I forget what it's called. Can anyone help? Its been a long long time since I've seen it. All I remember is at the very end theres some germans in some trenchwork and there being surrouned by Russians. One of the germans is just a boy, and they try to get him out of there. I remember it shows him runnning away but then he is gunned down. Lol anyone have any idea what I'm talking about??
its not like it hasnt been thought of before. its just very hard to do due to political reasons obviously- despite how many people would buy the game.
other levels that would be nice might be that you could set an ambush for a big squad of american troops with tanks etc. you yourself would have a squad of axis troops. maybe you could place men in certain sniping areas. have panzerschreck troops ambush the tanks. you obviously would give the command to attack at a certain moment unless of course they spot your guys first. i dont think that defensive based sp levels were used very well in mohaa. most people enjoy maps where you have to defend against a large assault- of course without sacrificing to liberty to explore the level. the bridge level had something going on but it had no i have too many ideas i cant even write them down properly.