WOW! Err....maybe you should be yelling EXPLOITER!!! Might be a little more appropriate than CHEATER.
------------------ "Listen up you stinking maggots. It seems you just don't get it. Well, I've been appointed to inform ya', your days are numbered. You would cry, you would scream if you knew half the things I've seen. Please please just do as I say. Repent and leave your evil ways." - Clutch VISIT GF CLAN SITE
how to go underground has been posted in this forum before. It is a glitch probably. And once you know people are down there it is not a great advantage to be down there.
However i don't go down there because a lot of people would get surprised and annoyed when they realize i am down there.
The only secert places I have heard you can go in MP, is a "secert room" in Stalingrad, and underground in Destroyed Village. I have never found any of these and have never tried to, just wondering are there any others out there?
i know a place in destroyed village and it is like a hole in the ground and u jump in and get stuck. it really is fun because u get to be stuck there and try to kill as many people as u can. Also it's hard to see