remines me of the park in town with all those wierd ass tiny boopers with there slipknot masks ,coughing to a shit beat pretending its music, dancing around a fire smoking there fake weed cus there too hard core to really buy it.
sorry but if u like slipknot u have problems there are 8 losers that got kicked our of skool cus there are too socially retarded to make friends or make real music...
remines me of the park in town with all those wierd ass tiny boopers with there slipknot masks ,coughing to a shit beat pretending its music, dancing around a fire smoking there fake weed cus there too hard core to really buy it.
sorry but if u like slipknot u have problems there are 8 losers that got kicked our of skool cus there are too socially retarded to make friends or make real music...
god man, if you hate the music then don't listen to it, don't complain, and stay away from that park! I don't like slipknot either but I'm not gonna give anyone who listens to them a load of shit about why I don't like the band, god, cool skins though, riggs, hope gimp helps you in skinning rock: