AMD Athlon 1.4 ghz
1024 Mb DDR ram
2 40 Gig 7200 rpm fujitsu harddrives
and so on.
Now I only am using one hard drive right now and it has 36 gigs free. I have the latest patches for MOHAA and I even have the latest updates for WINDOWS XP Pro.
Now I say that Xp causes the lag cause 2 weeks ago I had it on Windows 2000 Pro. Now I had to switch because 2000 seems to want half of my hard drive space free for some reasons. How do I fix the lag?
What is your connection?
What do you have the Rate set at in the server?
Do you have downloads enabled>
Are you hosting? Are you a client?
What programs do you run in the background that you may be mistaking for lag?
Man, my comp is a freaking BEAST! It hauls but, in this case I am only a client. I have Cable also.Tell me what the rate part of your stement means. I usually get 90 fps. Most servers I connect to display me as having between 40-100 ping. The most I play on is 150 ping.
I experience lag while trying to render movement imn MP. I also experience lag on the net (loading issues) and sometimes my programs begin not to respond. What should I do? I have reinstalled, and defragged as well as fixed my registry.
A lot of you are saying "I have XP and it works fine" ....XP home and XP pro are two different things. You should probably make sure you have the newest drivers for your video card that are compatible with the OS.
Yes, what dukes said, heh. I never read up on it, but XP keeps your network connection on standby, I believe it's so it's always able to dload free updates, dunno. heh
I am having trouble with my Roomates Xp and I need some help. I have win 2000 myself,but anyways He wants win 2000 but when we run the cd from boot It does'nt work it just loads up the regular Xp OS.