<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DJSatane:
CPR is much better as it will usually realisticlally kill with 1 shot with rifle or close to it.
Mauser 98K is my weapon of choice. The slow fire rate discourages newbs from going trigger-happy, and i like it cuz when aiming at someone im sure i'll only shoot once, and if its a kill shot, it minimizes chances of detection :P
Aka Chileno
United States-Australia-United Kingdom : The Axis Of Gluttony
By my discriminatory nature, I have felled the command structure of my enemies, rendered their equipment useless and driven fear into the hearts of their fighting men.
The sniper is one of the most effective weapons on the field of battle.
I am frugal, and precise. I am not a superman, capable of incredible feats, but Im skilled in ways that many misunderstand.
For enemy soldiers, Zaitsev represents their doom. Unseen, but certain.
Just raise your head above the trench and meet your maker.
Vassili Zaitsev - "...Patiently await the right moment for one, and only one well-aimed shot"