If you know who admins this server, please ask them to either turn the console on or turn FF off. It has the worst TKers I've seen yet on MoHAA. Some snot nosed kid actually caused 17 other people to abandon the server after multiple rounds of TK.
You would think they would get tired of it after a while.....
"If your philosophy does not produce corn, I don't want to hear about it." - Red Bear
I was playing last night ( The Bridge )Axis side,and some dumd ass when the game started opened fire on everybody,out of 12 players only 5 or 6 made it.
That sucks.
C2Q Q6600 2.40G with Tunic Tower 120
8800GTX ( Step up program )
GIGABYTE GA-P35-DS3R 775 with Crucial Ballistix 4GB
Acer 22" Widescreen LCD Monitor
The best way to fight TKers is leave their team and kill them. If everyone on the server would just gang up on the TKers they leave. Their not interested in playing the game, they are interested in pissing people off.