lol hope u feel better i havent grown any o mine yet but i hope it wont hurt rolleyes: but i had 2 teeth pulled when i was younger and it was very wierd because u couldnt feel anything but little pricks and he had to use some wierd wrench looking thing that yanked em out it felt crazy and they bleeded for like 2 hours then after that they hurt bad
My wisdom teeth are growing in now. I had a teeth cleaning appointment a few weeks back and they saw that they were and said they "Are coming in straight, and have plenty of room in the back of the mouth" So i probably wont have to get mine pulled
I got knocked out for oral serg. once.I got nitrous/intervainal shits that make you go to bed.The cool thing was i had my heelys(Yeah,when they were supercool to the max) and i rolled out of there.The docters were chasing me.It was the coolest ride home though.Shit was moving in and out of place and kinda warping.The it starts to suck when the local wears off and you dont have anything to stop the pain..The next week shall be hell for you.
Eat your own blood for the rest of the day? Try the rest of the week. I bled every time I tried to eat anything. Couldnt eat anything solid for a couple days minimum. I ate a milkshake... mmm.. blood flavored milkshake.
The stitches probably dissolve, and if they dont your dentist freaking sucks. You'll have pieces come off, its not much fun, but it doesnt hurt.
i had local done and i enjoyed the sensation of my Troll Teeth being pulled. I saved them btw...i actually watched him via a mirror...was a good time....pain subsided after a day or so and i had no pain killers xXx
i got 4 molers out in one day, i know how it feels. hurts like a fookin' bitch, but it passes. worst thing is there are 4 holes in your gums for like a few weeks. kinda creepy =/