What´s up with the real Sniper-Guys???
What goes better than running with the Sniper by dark courses to center and the opponent the heading blow away the hair cross?
I do not have seen a game, which makes so much fun - above all if one has the Sniper in the lever...
My opinion after, this rifle comes best. Or is there someone, which thinks here differently?
i don't camp is run and shoot with it, i did this on omaha lol i didn't die once.. well I did die but that was cause i ran into a crater that was about to explode :P
snip0r rul0r!
Wow you comes from Holland...?! The boundary is degrees one hour away from me...? Do you speak German?
And still which: Say only that in the upper photo you are...??????????
Jaaaaaaaaa, one guy from good old germany...
Ähh, sorry, kann schon fast garnicht mehr deutsch schreiben...
Ich komme aus dem schönsten Teil - aus´m Ruhrpott... *lol*
Und selbst, Mr. Phil17...?
Hey, bei der Gelegenheit: Zockst du auch MoH im Netz (bestimmt, hoffe ich...) - man kann sich ja mal treffen und den Jungs zeigen, wo der Hammer hängt...!?!
You´re from Canada or Germany?
@Phill17: Sorry, hab´s zu spät gesehen, du kommst ja aus Kölle...
Ist ja garnicht so weit weg...! Meld dich mal wieder...!