Yo dude, take it easy. U do not have u jump on other guys like that. Now lets get real, ur CPU is underpowerd. A p2 at 350 and a GeForce 2 u r gonna have a hard time playing MoH. I think that we r all right abot this, u need to go out and get a new cpu, i am not talking p4 get a p3 at 1 gig, like i have, it runs just as fast as a p4 and it is not plagued with problems. NOw u may be a hard core gamer but i think we all r. We r just telling u that from the screens that we have seen, u r not gonna get the full effect of the game as u would on a faster cpu. Just ask 215, the levels are massive, the graphics
speak for themselves, not to mention the sound and all that stuff. If u have the money i suggest u go to Dell or if u r gonna use ur cpu for only gaming then go to Alien ware.com to get one of there cpu's. I know dell will give u the most for ur money, at least they did for me. and we all know about alien ware. SO take our advice, please this is not a shouting match.