The MP44 / StG44 has an interesting story behind it actually. For a brief summary (told to me by my friend who is an avid gun-collector himself

, basically there was a gun-smith (who's name I don't know off the top of my head) who wanted to create a new fully automatic rifle, but Hitler was dead set against it and wanted a new sub-machinegun instead. So the gun-smith went ahead and created it anyways, but called it the MP44 (machine pistol) while it was in production. So when they were finally put into the field, they primarily were first deployed along the Russian front. Later, when the troops along the front were asked what they needed supply wise, they really wanted more of this MP44, they were very amazed by the weapon and how it handled. After that Hitler got word of what it really was and then the name was changed to StG44. As to what happened to the gun-smith, I'm not sure. I think he was let off due to the success of the weapon, even though he went behind Hitler's back about it.
But being deployed along the Russian front, the Russians got their hands on a few of course and from what I've been told, yes the AK-47 was taking from the StG44. I believe that the MP5 was also a derrivative from the StG44 as well. If you look at the weapon, it looks to have the front end of an AK-47, and the back-end of an MP5

Latuh fuh U,
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-regarding level designers