what are you doing to try and stop Team Killers? will there be a banning feature for the online servers? in DoD it's really bad you can have friendlys sitting in a tank and when you run accross they kill you
Tkers get a kick out of killing there own team that would really ruin the game i hope you guys are going todo something to stop this that brings me to the issue of FF
(friendly fire) will hosts be able to set FF off? (that would suck becuase then you'd have bad tactics) even though that would stop TKers , what steps are you doing to try and proventing this from happening in MP?.
i play rs almost everyday and that doesnt happen that often , and when it does , the host just boots the tk'er or the ff is pardoned . the game starts over again but games arent too long . they are quite short where it doesn't really matter . but that is with out respawning . i can see the trouble tking can cause when there is respawning . something has to be done about that .