I recently just forgot my AIM password. I know there was a thread about programs for cracking pws and retrieving them a short while ago. Can anyone give me this program or a link to a program that can get my password back? The lost password link for aim doesnt work for some reason, its quite strange. Any help is appreciated. happy:
the lost password thingy never works. whenever i have to reformat, i lose my aim acount. i cant log on to as that account even with the right password. so i have to end up making a new one which is a fuckin hassle.
the lost password thingy never works. whenever i have to reformat, i lose my aim acount. i cant log on to as that account even with the right password. so i have to end up making a new one which is a fuckin hassle.
I know...its a tedious task. Do you know a program that will retrieve it? I thought Cain and Abel 2.5 would work, I guess not.