It's easy to get lost in the Swamp, but if you just stand in one place and look around a little, somebody will be happy to shoot you, which solves that problem. biggrin:
I'm old, so I'm not good with this stuff, but I think that means leet? Of course I don't know what that means either, but I'll take it as a compliment.
Balr, you should make maps for the Vietnam mod. You are awesome at those swamp maps.
After HITP2 is done, I'm working on fixing an Egypt map for a friend. Then I'm going to be working on "History of Weapons" mod with Mayhem DM, for MOHPA or RTCW:ET. But the full release of HITP2 will contain all the jungle textures, models and prefabs we created, and the VietNam mod team is welcome to use them.
My performance testing system is an Athlon 1100 with a GF3/Ti500, at 1024 x 768 with most graphic options on high, so it's not exactly state of the art. I figure if I my maps perform OK on this sytem, they ought to work on most systems. I also tested them on an Athlon 64/3400+ with GFX 5900 Ultra XT. They work OK there, too.
All of those guns in Corregidor eat up major fps, so I had to limit detail and foliage.