anyway heres mine, i could of gone with the ever so trendy animation of some thing going from left to right, up then down,
but i did something better...
anyway heres mine, i could of gone with the ever so trendy animation of some thing going from left to right, up then down,
but i did something better...
anyway heres mine, i could of gone with the ever so trendy animation of some thing going from left to right, up then down,
but i did something better...
anyway heres mine, i could of gone with the ever so trendy animation of some thing going from left to right, up then down,
but i did something better...
Ok, I think I have made a mistake in size limits here.
Needless to say I don't use ImageReady much, and I simply don't know what a normal size would be for simple animation. I chose 200k because I figured twice AA standards would be fine... Im not sure now.
So I need some serious opinions here.
What should the size limit be?
Keep in mind we don't want to overdo it!
I would ask Neo... but you bastards seem to have a problem with people that don't use styles you think are cool.
Edit: Only Short hands sig is too large at 576k. All others are below limit.