I use http://www.typhoonservers.com for CoD and they are awesome.
Your Prices are a bit high.
TypohhServers is starting to host MOH and BF 1942 so I am sure there prices will be far lower then yours.
well if you want a server jump on the promotion. the cost is $2.75 for a public 20 or 32 player and $2.25 for a private 20 or 32 player. Those prices are in line with some of these companies you have been talking about.
also [url:d173c]http://www.globalgamingserver.com[/url:d173c] has the MOH:PA demo for download on the site.
Re: 50% off game server prices.... -
09-12-2004, 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by arkitek
I told the guys over at globalgamingservers.com and they put this promotion together. The Labor Day Frag'em Sale - $2.75 per player on a public servers and $2.25 per player on a private servers. That is for MOHAA 20 and 32 man servers. Check them out and hit up their forums.
Globalgamingservers.com is offering out free game servers to clans or to people who are trying to start a clans ... go to my site and I have it posted in the news section or go to the globalgamingservers.com site and see for your self.