We had planned on adding bullet deviation from gravity and wind (bullet drop

originally, but after investigating the effective ranges of the weapons we were using, and given the average distance you'll be encountering enemies, it wasn't worth the effort for so little gain. We don't have many maps where you engage someone at those kinds of ranges where the bullet drop would really make a difference. Just recently, Capt. Dye stopped by and gave us some great info on tactics, weapons and their ranges (along with making us all do a ton of push-ups. It's a weapon, not a gun, and it's a magazine, not a clip except for the M1, Springfield, and KAR

. It was an awesome visit, got lots of good info out of it, and Capt. Dye is an amazing person (really fun to be around, loves to answer questions, very knowledgeable, and has lots of great stories. A really nice guy

. But anyways, we were discussing max effective range on weapons (meaning how far the weapon was really usable in terms of accuracy), and for example, the M1 Garand was effective up to about 300 yards (again, not max range total, but max effective range). That's over 2 football fields in length. Those kind of situations in the game are in such minority that spending the extra CPU cycles to calculate gravity and wind effects for each bullet shot (and that's not a CPU-friendly operation to be done that often) for such little gain wasn't worth it. We choose not to eat up the CPU and gain some more framerate

Granted, for certain weapons like submachineguns and pistols, the effects would be much more noticable. But we have deviation, balancing the different weapons for their different purposes (meaning that rifles such as the M1 will be much more accurate at longer ranges than a submachine gun such as the Thompson). And again, those real long range situations are the minority.
So the realism is there, it's just not hyper-sim-style realism which we never said we were doing
Latuh fuh U,
"We don't introduce or cause bugs in the game, we merely find and bring to light the inadequacies within the code."
-regarding level designers