Bullet. Nah, it's the streak of light when you fire a gun. This helps the gunner see where his bullets are going. Very helpful if you'rea fighter-pilot. Waffen I understand what you mean on the realism issue, and I don't mean blood. I mean historical..stuff. Guns, tanks, planes...Believe me man..I'd love to have an all realism game on WWII. But hey, it is a game and 2015 wants to make a fun game, so a few things will have to be left out or just down graded. But fear not, the MoH games have always been true to sticking to the true History of the war.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SoLiDUS: I see this "it wouldn't be fun if we implemented this / that" as laziness.
Just like there will be different difficulty levels, why not add these features for the "realistic" level? ex : bullet drops, windage factor, one hit kills in major bodily areas, etc..
Dare I mention the blood ? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What? There's no blood in this game??!!
No he's not, we've talked to a lot of the guys from reinactment groups (I think you're on one of the reinactment groups right waffen?), and just pure research . But he is a wealth of great info, really knows his stuff.
Latuh fuh U,
Benson benson@2015.com
"We don't introduce or cause bugs in the game, we merely find and bring to light the inadequacies within the code."
-regarding level designers