Actually, towards the end of the war the Waffen SS was forced to police up anyone they could into their ranks. From conscripts to whomever was available to fight. Yes in the begining of the war when the Waffen SS was at its prime, they would've been consistently younger troops, but towards the end of the war they were taking what they could get, and experienced troops had high value. It's actually something that Stephen Ambrose pointed out his one of his books (it's either D-Day or Citizen Soldiers) and was discussing this fact. On the average across the entire war, the German soldier was much older compared to the US (the range was something like anywhere from 17 - 70) because of the necessity to take anyone that could fight into their ranks.
So you could say that the letter from the gentleman was both right and wrong in this respect. Towards the later half of the war, the Waffen SS was filled with a broad mix of whatever troops they could get (around the time we invaded Europe).
As for tactics, I found Capt. Dye's knowledge to be pretty on with our findings. You have to remember, that SPR at it's heart is a story, and their going to have to setup certain scenes to match the development of that story. So yes there was probably some inaccuracies made on the side of needing an event to happen that was important to the story (granted, that doesn't explain the clean-head-shaved Germans mind you

Latuh fuh U,
"We don't introduce or cause bugs in the game, we merely find and bring to light the inadequacies within the code."
-regarding level designers