Originally Posted by "Short Hand":c4a93
ya, i know, we have all run a failed oil company at one time or another.
You know, every time you talk, it's like you copy and paste shit from the PunkVoter and MoveOn.org message boards. Why don't you try and formulate some of your
own opinions instead of just spewing out the same tired bullshit rederick that all the "cool" suburban rebels are feeding you.
So fucking sick and tired of all these white, upper-middle class dumbfucks who have nothing better to do than masturbate to Anti-Bush propaganda and march in anti-Bush rallies when they don't even have a God damned idea of what they are talking about.
John Kerry does NOT have the answers. He is going to raise taxes - and forget everything he says about not raising them, because that's bullshit. He is promising to spend over $3 trillion, eliminate the defecit and pay for all of it with a few hundred million by repealing upper-class tax cuts. It's the same bullshit Clinton pulled. Next thing you know, we get two raises in taxes beyond inflation rates while he is in office.
So you retards keep marching in your little parades and failing out of your Economics 101 courses. And when Kerry raises taxes, and when he has no explosion from the Tech Sector and the Dot Com Boom to cover his ass like Clinton did, and the stock market crashes and we go into a REAL recession and don't recover, I'll sit here and laugh at you prissy little prats who got your panties all in a wad because Bush wanted to drill in Alaska and knock out Iraq. And I'll keep laughing when your mommy and daddy have to sell your car and move you into a flat in the city because daddy got laid off from his meaningless middle-management job after Kerry tanked the economy. But don't worry, he made sure to put all your hard-earned tax money into making sure retards like you that voted for him can get food stamps and government-subsidized healthcare.
And fuck Canadians who get up in our domestic business. This is our house, you speak when spoken to.
Well you are right Noctis, Kerry does not have all the answers. He will raise taxes on the top 2%,
Bush if re-elected will raise taxes, he hasn't vetoed a spending bill yet, and he has to do something before the dollar turns into the peso.
The draft will probably be reinstated no matter who is elected, because the are running out of new recruits.
You know as well as I do that Kerry will not get half of his agenda through a Republican congress.
And the economy is already tanked, thank you very much.
Inflation is already outpacing income.
Drilling in Alaska will take care of our energy problem, not investing in real alternative feul, or requiring more effecient automobiles, or even a better mass transit sytem throughout the country.
hmm..Iraq.... What is the reasoning for invading this week.... maybe Sadam could rebuilt his his wepons program hmm... but he didnt care about the US he was obbsessed with Iran. That's ok though Saddam is no longer and power, and Bush has taken our flag and changed from a symbol of freedom and justice to a recriutting poster for terrorist throughout the world.
Yeah you are right Kerry might do something for AMERICANS with their hard earned tax dollars, unlike Bush who would rather use future generations hard earned tax dollar.
As for Canadians , they can say anything they want. And maybe people like you should start listening.