Hi, i just wanted to let all the developers know that they are doing a great job and that this is one of the best games i've ever seen. I just have a few questions about what to excpect in this game.
1. in the case of flamethrower or explosion casualties, will the enemy simply fall down and die or will they run around in flames in which case you will have to shoot them again to get them out of your way? Would that be violating the "No Gore" policy EA wants you to have?
2. Its been said that there are "highly destructive environments". How so? for example, if i'm inside a building and a panzer is in the road outside and it shoots a wall, will it blow a portion of the wall out or affect the building in any way? That would be unreal if that was possible and really add to the realistic danger factor of close quarter and town fighting.
3. when you attack a tank, will it be operable until you actually kill the crew. (shooting into the view slot, throwing a grenade into the hatch) or will it be out of action when you disable it? Also the same for halftracks, when you stop it from running, should you not have to worry or should you get ready for 5 to 10 troops to come pouring out of the top and rear? I think its possible from one of the original pics i saw but i just want to make sure.
4. I hate beating a dead horse but about hit reactions, when i shoot a german in the chest is he going to finally fall down like anyone who got shot in the chest would or is he just going to shake it off with out no more than a little flintch like in the original 2 MOH games? BTW, I really hope that you guys were able to doing something better with headshots rather than the having helmet fly off every time you get a head-face shot.
5. Are there going to be any type of "defend that bridge" scenarios. Like the defense of the bridge at Ramelle in SPR? If so, what would it be like? Running, Advancing, Falling back, and trying to keep yourself and whoever your with alive till help gets there? that would be amazing.
6. German Vehicles? Are we up against mixed armoured groups in such events like if there are 2 panzers in a road, are they both going to be matching Tiger II's or will they have different numbers, camo, battle markings on them or will it be a Tiger and a Halftrack or maybe a Tiger II and a Mobile Flak Gun?
Which brings up another topic, What German vehicles are you introducing? Kubelwagens, Schvimmwagens, PanzerKamphwagens, Kettenrads, Armoured Trucks (the panzerfunkwagen or the panzerspahwagen) or PLEASE TELL ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE you got the SturmGashutz in there. (if you haven't guessed its my favorite Vehicle of the war
About Allied Weaponry, what do you have in there besides Shermans? Willies Jeeps? P-38 Lightnings? B-17 Flying Fortresses? Bren Carriers (british)? and at D-Day, will there be a chance of running across any disables DD tanks on the shore? I didn't think ya put that in but it never hurts to ask.
7. When your fighting in Squad based battles? will you have Assigned Members? (medic, BAR, sniper) or will they be pretty much all equipt with M1s? Just wondering
Thats all I have to ask for now, I dont want to bother you but if you can answer even one of these questions i'd be satisfied. (more than one wouldn't be bad though

) but nah, dont let it keep you from the game. Take it easy.