Hang on... I never stated in my original post that I WANTED the player to be able to shoot planes down with an M1, that would be horrendously inaccurate...I simply asked a question (dirscted at 2015) about whether you would be able to man '88's...Though I thought that would be inaccurate as they required around 8 people (correct me Waffen

) to fire, but, now that I think aboutseeing as this game is squad-based this idea isn't too far fetched...Don't hold it against Waffen and Burgen, they can't help it, I mean hell, now that they've established themselves as the "know-alls" at this forum, I'm sure someone else out there will come along and knock them off their perch...I could be mistaken...
- Peace be with you all, Your Friend, Von P
"The Battle of France is over...the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire."
-Winston Churchill, Summer 1940