voice/key bindings MOHAA and MOHAAS "conflict" -
10-22-2004, 01:47 PM
I have key bindings for MOHAA and want bindings for MOHAAS as well.
I made a custom.cfg (in MOHAA main folder) with this content:
// team binds
bind j "sayteam *31" //Yes sir
bind n "sayteam *32" //No sir
//bind x "sayteam *33" //Enemy spot
//bind x "sayteam *34" //Sniper spot
//bind x "sayteam *35" //Gernade cover
//bind x "sayteam *36" //Area clear
bind g "sayteam *37" //Great Shot!
bind b "sayteam *38" //Thanks
//bind x "sayteam *39" //I owe you one
// taunts
//bind x "say *41" //Is that all you got
//bind x "say *42" //I think... are out...men
//bind x "say *43" //yellow belly
//bind x "say *44" //I think...cowards
//bind x "say *45" //Come back...target practice
//bind x "say *46" //Come prepared
//bind x "say *47" //Try again
//bind x "say *48" //Shoot better
bind m "say *49" //That made a mess
When I press j in Spearhead is does not say "Yes Sir".
The command numbers for MOHAA and spearhead contradict.
Any Solution?