what "sections" of the beach are in the game... as most of us know, the beach wasnt a tiny section, and there were more landings then most people know
be it Sword Beach... or Gold Beach.
but at any rate... i cant tell you for sure, im pretty sure though that it is a fair sized section of beach, but i really have no clue as to WHICH landing it is....
It's probably Dog Green. This is what it was on Saving Private Ryan, Charlie Company of the Second Ranger Bn. landed there, as their original spot mind you, and since it's a flat beach and you're a Ranger, I'm assuming it's not Point Du Hoc. Nooch.
I'd told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me! WHY DIDN'T YOU BELIEVE ME?
If hes asking what i'm thinking, i think he means what sector of beach did 2015 model. eg. (Saving Private Ryans sector was in Dog Green at the Vierville Draw) From the placement of the bunkers and the fact that Mike Powell is in C-Company 2nd Rangers I'd have to think he'd be at the western-most flank of the beachead Making it Charlie Sector that your landing in (right next to Dog Green Sector where they landed in SPR) This was one of the most heavily defended sections of beach at Omaha which itself alone was a nightmare. A Company lost 95% of its force in teh first 5 minutes to give everyone an idea of how horrific it was. Hope my info was helpful.
What would be cool is that, in the mission briefing they tell you if you move too far up the beach, you'll hit a minefield and you'll blowup, that would be one way to stop people running off the edge of the map...