Originally Posted by DJHeadUp
republicans have been pulling shit here at pitt too, they were fucking with ppls registrations, voter fraud, all that shit, i hope the electoral college recognizes this and just elects kerry
i think that the republicans wouldnt start bitching about an unfair election b/c they would have a floodgate of thier cheating and bullshit open up
sources please[/quote:1f0a6]
sources as in proof it was done?
well i could show you my roommates registration card, sent to him after the correction cut-off date with the wrong last name and political affiliation, but he isnt here so youll just have to take my word for it
there was also an article in the pitt news about it, but i didnt pick it up, and jesse jackson came to pitt the next day to hold a press conference about it, i was there, so once again youll just have to take my word